Monday, January 10, 2011

Jersey Shore -- Reality or Not?

(picture provided from google images)

Hello fellow Bloggers.  My name is Jenna and am a college student @ UPG.  I am a typical student, who when has some downtime or needs to take a break from all the papers, tests and stress that comes from college,  resort to T.V.  Usually I'll watch NCIS, or the news, but I am slowly getting sucked into the world of reality tv, just like the rest of the country has been.  However, instead of getting glued to the screen and being fixated to watch these ever so classless shows, I have been watching to further my realization that reality tv is absurd, and full of shame.  Therefore, I have started to blog about the ever so popular MTV show, "Jersey Shore", and how, for some strange reason, it is indeed a hit.  I can safely say that I started watching it for sheer pleasure of watching guys and girls make fools of themselves.  I cannot begin to fathom why people would act like this on T.V. for all to see, including their familes and friends.  Therefore,  my blog will be about me watching the newest episode, and commenting on how ridiculous it is, with zeroing in on quoting one of the "cast members" saying and/or doing something that is full of shame.  :)

On January 6th, Jersey Shore came back on MTV promoting it's THIRD season.  I honestly thought one season was enough to watch these guys and girls humiliating each other and where they were born and raised.  However, I was proven wrong when last Thursday's episode aired.

For those that are lucky enough to have never watched an episode of this trash, I will fill you in on season one and two in a matematical equation:

guys + girls + beach house + alcohol x 8357485749 + hookups + fights = MTV's new recipe of reality, next to paying out $280,000 a season to girls who are willing to videotape their lives at becoming pregnant at such a young age.  Again, classy.


  1. I like the concept, Jenna! Try paring your prose back just a bit, though. In blog writing -- and most web writing -- compression and energy are very important. Cut out any words you can cut out. This will bring your voice and focus out a bit more. (You might want to check out today's Snookie makeover -- it's all over the Web. Snookie hot-ifies a pre-teen girl. Bronzer! Poufs! Animal prints! Oh my.)

  2. this blog makes my day. is it on mtv on thursdays? i should watch it tonight. i want to see what happened after that fight at the end of the first episode. i caught the tail end of it when i was flipping through channels. now i want to watch.
