Monday, January 31, 2011

Pauly Bieber?

Word on the Internet there is a pic or video of pauly d dressed up as Justin bieber. One word: WHY! I mean come on pauly, even you can do better than obsess over Justin. Maybe he has come down with this "bieber fever" everyone and their mother has been coming down with. I think I would rather have mono again than dream of Justin. That and the fact that he has sold out Madison square garden is completely insane for me to comprehend. I thought jersey shore made me want to question lie, but bieber is up there. Him and his annoyingly cropped hair and baby face needs to stop showing up everywhere. Heck, I would rather hear about snooki getting hammered at a funeral, or the situation just being himself. Anything but bieber!

I'll try to find the video and post it later.


  1. I got one worse for you, there's a pic on the internet of a guy who got Justin Bieber's face tattooed on his leg... And the guy's in his late 20's...

  2. I feel like the Jersey Shore gang is running out of new stunts to pull. Dressing up like Justin Bieber? Really? Too bad JB isn't orange and greasy, Pauly D. Anyway, this post made me sad because these people are getting paid to be trashy. I, too, would rather have mono than contract this "Bieber Fever".
    The only thing that makes me feel better is the fact that 10 years from now, Pauly D. and the rest of the gang will be unemployed. I can't wait for their 15 minutes of fame to over with.

  3. hahah Rin that is hilarious and sad.

    and Natalie, I couldn't agree with you more! I can't wait to see the day where you and I are living the life, with a steady job, while Pauly D and Snooki are out of a job of just endless drinking and insanity that MTV lets them have.
